Monday, June 7, 2010


Here is my planter after its been painted with a lovely charcoal black color...2 coats. I had to first scrape the paint and try and get all the flakes and old paint off wherever I could. Doesn't it look great! What do you think?

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Problem least for now

The last 6 nights of sleep have been the best in 16 months. Read my follow up blog to hear what happened.

Thanks mamas for your advice and support and for the reminder that this isn't the end of the story. I love the image of Claire yelling under the door!

Check out these crazy dancers, called Morris dancing, who came to our farm on Sunday. They were on a tour of the area and stopped and did a show for us and our neighbors. Birch's favorite part was riding on the school bus!