and look at adorable photos of the past few months...
Here is the other side of the story...Richard and I had to let loose the other night. Our housemates put Birch to bed while we went and had a blast at our friends Liz and Nando's engagement party. Wish we could do that more often, but we are still feeling it - HA! When you have to get up 4 times during the night and then up for good at 6:30am, it doesn't help a body recover from partying. I'm still considering going salsa dancing this friday...
Love the party pic! you deserve it! wow, i cannot believe what you have been through. that must be so hard, i cannot imagine!!! i hope it gets better, and soon. i am sure you have heard of tons of advice. the method i used for sebastian is called the ferber method and its easier when they are less mobile, but i used that and it really worked for me. now these past few months i have had a hard time getting him down at night because of so many changes in locations and changes in routine. its very hard to do that at night, and in your case its very exhausting because you just want to sleep after taking care of your child all day and so that makes it all the more frustrating. hope it all gets better really soon!
OMG - Ang, I feel your pain! That is awful. The thing is, everyone is there at some point in their young childhood. Sounds like you guys are figuring out the right way for you (and you will) and even though it seems impossible, you will get sleep ... a full night, I promise, soon! One thing that worked for my kids is having them keep their lovie blanket. It teaches them to soothe themselves. But believe me, that process is not as peaceful as it sounds. I remember literally holding the door closed to Sofia's room. I remember once finding Sofia asleep on the floor in her room and Jim asleep in the rocking chair ... Claire's technique is to come to the door and yell as loud as she can in the 2" space under the door until someone comes and plops her back into her crib (which she totally climbs out of whenever the fancy strikes her). aAnd then the fun part is that once you have once sleeping pattern all set- something changes - they grow, you move, you vacation ... and it seems to all go haywire. You do look tired in that canoe pic- but hang in there, I bet the full night of sleep is in sight. xoxo
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